Breaking Barriers in STEM: Empowering Women of Color for an Equitable Future

By Nate Dillard



Catch Up Quickly: Despite growing interest and higher salaries in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, significant disparities persist in STEM education and careers, especially for women and people of color, according to The Education Trust.


Zoom In: Women of color in STEM face a 'double-bind,' experiencing lower STEM degree attainment rates and higher barriers to entry, including unequal pay and workplace discrimination. This disparity is particularly evident in higher-paying STEM jobs like engineering and computing.

By the Numbers: Black and Latino workers are underrepresented in STEM jobs, with Black people holding only 9% of STEM jobs despite comprising 11% of all workers, and Latinos holding 8% of STEM jobs despite making up 17% of the workforce.


The Backstory: Historical lack of support and recognition for women of color in STEM has led to their significant underrepresentation. Initiatives and policies aiming to boost STEM equity often overlook the compounded challenges faced by women of color.


What’s Next: Addressing these disparities requires a multifaceted approach, including increasing faculty diversity, improving campus climates, and creating inclusive curricula and support systems. Emphasizing equitable access and support in STEM education is crucial for the social and economic advancement of women of color.


One Digital Work Angle: In Dayton's diverse community, where BIPOC voices are pivotal, promoting STEM equity means ensuring that women and people of color have equal opportunities to pursue and succeed in STEM careers. This is essential for building a more inclusive and innovative workforce, aligning with Dayton's growth and development goals.





One Digital Work is an editorial campaign powered by the One Digital Dayton digital ecosystem, a hub where job seekers and small business owners can find the essential jobs and support services they need to thrive and grow.


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