Create Your Business Identity “The Definitive Guide to Company Culture”

Qme BEAM News

We believe that a vibrant company culture which supports and nurtures our employees is so important that it is the key to our success—and a unique and sustainable competitive advantage. As our CEO and co-founder, Ben Peterson says, “If you create a great place to work, great work takes place.”

94% of those surveyed said company culture is important to an organization’s success.

Company culture is often called the personality of an organization.

Company culture is a shared set of workplace beliefs, values, attitudes, standards, purposes, and behaviors. It reflects both the written and unwritten rules that people in an organization follow. Your organization’s culture is the sum of all that you and your colleagues think, say, and do as you work together. If that sounds important, it is. In the 2019 culture survey conducted by BambooHR, an overwhelming 94 percent of respondents agreed that culture is related to their organization’s success. Sixty-three percent said it’s very important or essential.

Examples of Company Culture

Culture includes a thousand little things, and some big ones too:

• The way work assignments are doled out

• How opportunities for advancement are provided

• Whether employees prefer to collaborate or work alone

• Whether the casual dress is okay, and, if so, how casual

• What’s talked about (or taboo) in the lunchroom

• Whether there’s pressure to work when you’re sick

• Whether birthdays are celebrated

• How different departments and teams get along

• Whether you can have face time with an executive

• And so on

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About BambooHR

BambooHR is all-in-one HR software made for small and medium businesses and the

people who work in them. Our software makes it easy for HR professionals to collect,

maintain, and analyze people data, improve the way they hire talent, onboard new

employees, manage compensation, and develop their company culture. It’s designed to

set organizations free to focus on what matters most—their people. To find out more,

visit or follow us on Twitter at @bamboohr.


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